Reading Cards

Message from your subconscious

Surprise yourself with a Card Reading; a message from your subconscious mind, your soul, your inner child. Supported by your archangels, guides and loved ones who passed away in this life and/or past lives…and who love to connect with you.

I am so grateful at this time that I can playfully pass on what wants to be seen, heard and felt in your life. So that you can continue your journey with grace, ease and joy, and where you can experience your inner LIGHT.

Choose intuitive a deck of cards that speaks to you.
I will send a recording of the reading from your chosen deck to your email.


If you would like to receive a card reading regularly, I give you a discount. Order 2/3/4 or 5 card readings at the same time.

2 for € 175,= 3 for € 250,= 4 for € 325,= and 5 for € 400,=
Let me know by email when and from which deck you want a reading.

Aartsengel Gabriël

Archangel Gabriel

Reading using the oracle cards of Archangel Gabriel.

Archangel Gabriel is the beloved angel from the Bible who said, “you don’t need to be afraid, for I bring you good news.” The whole people will be happy with that! Gabriel also gives happy messages to parents and those who care for children and also supports them. With these great cards from Doreen Virtue you receive care, encouragement and guidance. This helps you especially when you are creative and try to teach others.

aartsengel Michaël

Archangel Michael

Reading using the oracle cards of Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael is a beloved and powerful protector, and a reliable guide. He knows your goal in life and gives you the best advice for the steps to take. And like all other angels, he respects your free will. If you don’t know what your mission or higher goal is in your life, Archangel Michael can give you clarity and directions.

aartsengels Raphael

Aartsengel Raphael

Reading using the oracle cards of Archangel Raphael.

Archangel Raphael brings you miracles and reliable guidance . . . and all you need to do is ask!
This reading can give insights about health and healing.

Talking to Heaven

Talking to Heaven

Reading using the oracle cards of Talking to Heaven.

Our loved ones in heaven want to talk to us and share their love and reassurance to help heal your grief. Using these cards, you can ask a deceased friend or family member a question and receive answers. James van Prague has used his numerous combined years of spiritual advice to provide you with a healing tool to facilitate clear conversations with heaven.

Open je Hart

Open your Heart

Reading using the oracle cards of Open your Heart

Those who live with an open heart meet love and beauty. Standing with an open heart in life means being connected to your feelings and your heart energy, not living from your head alone and opening you up to the love and beauty of that what is there.

The cards can support you in the process of opening your heart, so that you too can stand in life with an open heart.


Power Cards

Reading using the cards of Power.

What is felt…. wants to be lived.
What is my life purpose?
What is my truth?

The process in which you get to know yourself better and better is a lot of energy, and the power cards indicate in what emotional state you are in at the moment. And, they contain meditations that you can do.

The purpose of this set is to remind you who you are, what wishes and ideals you had, and where you can go.


Spiritual Animals

Reading using the cards of Spirit Animals

Spiritual animals are guides, spiritual helpers who share their wisdom with us. For example, it is the animal that always attracts you or that (regularly) appears to you in everyday life, dreams or meditations. If you connect with a spiritual animal or you know which animal has to tell you something at that moment, you can better understand yourself and recognize both; forces and pitfalls.

de Kracht van Intentie

the Power of Intention

Reading using the cards of the Power of Intention

Explore, discover and harness the power of intent with these energizing affirmations. Intent is not something you do, but an energy of which you are a part. Reprogram your limiting thoughts and you have the tools to master the energy of intention and experience the world in a completely different way.

Je Vorig Leven

Your Past Life

Reading using the oracle cards of Your Past Life

Who was you in a previous life? Your eternal soul has led other lives that affect your current career, your health, relationships, your family and your life lessons. Messages about your previous life in an easy, safe and friendly way. These cards will help you understand your own behavior patterns, so you can lift blockages, enjoy more, feel better and experience more love.



Reading using the Elves Tarot cards

The royal elves family helps you to wear your invisible crown. The elves are the angels of nature who assist us in earthly concerns, and help us, among other things, by increasing our self-confidence and our faith that we can bring about a positive change in the world. They will help you “to wear your invisible crown” and fulfill your life goal.

de Maan

The Moon

Reading using the mystic cards of the Moon

The Moon touches our inner self, influences our feelings and stimulates our intuitive knowledge. The cards cast light on your subconscious and give the gentle whisper of your soul a voice. Where your attention goes, your consciousness follows and what your light throws on, that becomes visible. These mystical maps give you the tools to realize your dreams and stimulate you to be who you are in all your vulnerability, strength and greatness.

Use these maps as a guide or inspiration on your earthly and spiritual path. Discover your potential and take the action needed to strengthen it. The cards resonate with what you unconsciously already know, but can now become aware and put down in the world.

Life Purpose

Life Purpose

Reading using the oracle cards of Life Purpose

Before you were born, you worked with your angels to organize a life mission that would help others and be emotionally rewarding. These cards will help you explore these life goals. It contains enlightening messages from the angels about your career and spiritual path, for example. These maps can provide valuable insights. The angels are happy to guide every aspect of your life’s purpose!

Zeemeerminnen en dolfijnen

Magical Mermaids and Dolphins

Reading using the oracle cards of Magical Mermaids and Dolphins

These orakelcards are specifically tailored to help you realize your desires, your life’s purpose and your inspired by divine dreams. They can help you dive into the ocean of your subconscious, where hidden thoughts and feelings can create or block your hearts desires.

Wild Women of Mother Earth

Wild Women of Mother Earth

Reading using the cards of the Wild Women of Mother Earth kaarten

This reading will bring you the wisdom, magic and healing of the holy female power. It will support you on your journey to more self-love, to (re)discovering the wild woman in you and to the life of your true nature. It will show you the healing energy that is released as women come together and unite as sisters. Let it awaken your awareness of the creative power you have as a woman. With that power you can make life and all your dreams and desires visible.
It will help you remember why you came here to our Earth Mother and will remind you of your connection to our Divine Mother. It’s time to stop hiding. It’s time to shake off everything you block.

de wijsheid van Maria Magdalena

The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

Reading using the oracle cards of The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene

For centuries, Mary Magdalene has been considered the dark Goddess of the tender power and authority, as a carrier of infinite compassion and wisdom. Her mysterious energy and timeless insights continue to live in all of today’s women and are perhaps more relevant today than ever. With this reading you will gain access to her energy and find an answer to all your questions.

Chakra van je hart

De Chakra van je Hart

Reading using the oracle cards of the Chakra of your Heart

This reading brings you into contact with your heart chakra and your love life. You will connect with your guides and gain insight into your experiences and potential blockages. In addition, you will learn to use the positive energy within yourself to stimulate your personal growth and to find your twin soul. Reading is also a source of inspiration to break through negative patterns and tells you when to be alert to important signals or events to be able to continue on the path of love in a serene and happy way.using

de wijsheid van de Vrouwelijke ziel

The Wisdom of the Female Soul

Reading using the oracle cards of the Wisdom of the Female Soul

Inspired women each day are inspired by the sacred feminine, the universal power that unites Mother Earth and the cosmos inextricably. They find in her a spiritual guide on the path to a deeper soul consciousness.
These oraclecards connect you to this divine essence, giving you access to your deepest inner wisdom. For although we think true wisdom is outside our soul, all our answers are actually already in our own minds. Activate your intuition and imagination with these cards and connect with a powerful voice that supports self-love and positive intentions, bringing you closer to your female self.

Universele liefde

The Healing Power of Universal Love

Reading using the oracle cards of the Power of Universal Love

Much of what happens in our lives is not consciously registered by us. We strive for happiness and satisfaction, but we sometimes lose sight of who we really are and what really matters. The reading with these inspiring oraclecards, you’ll be presented a mirror that shows you what you feel and think. Gain insight into what is living in your soul at a deeper level. 

het mystieke Sjamanen Orakel

The Mystic Shamans Oracle

Reading using the oracle cards of the Mystic Shamans

The Holy Symbols offer us hope, show us opportunities, inspire us to be creative, encourage us to be strong, and they share their knowledge.

Multiple Readings

If you would like to receive a card reading regularly, I give you a discount. Order 2/3/4 or 5 card readings at the same time.

2 for € 175,= 3 for € 250,= 4 for € 325,= and 5 for € 400,=
Let me know by email when and from which deck you want a reading.

Echt een prachtige reading, zo spot on terwijl je totaal geen informatie van mij hebt. Klopt enorm goed! Echt super mooi en fijn, en een hele gerustelling ook. Dank je wel!

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Prachtig, dank je wel, Wendy! Heel bijzonder, ik laat het allemaal door me heen komen, en laat het binnen stromen. Voelde veel liefdevolle stroming en emotie.

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Wat mooi benoemd allemaal en herkenbaar….morgen ga ik het waarschijnlijk nog 10x tot me laten komen. Ga je binnenkort vast vaker een verzoekje sturen! Heel erg bedankt voor dit moois!

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